
In 2016, UNCG students elected to allocate a portion of their student activity fees toward environmental stewardship and established the Green Fund. Governed by a committee of students with assistance from faculty and staff experts, the fund operates as a campus-based grant program that offers education, research, and professional development opportunities for students and employees by investing in campus infrastructure and programming to help meet the goals of the UNCG’s sustainability mission. Through the Green Fund, students have invested over $509,000 in 93 projects which will save UNCG $76,000 over the lifetime (9 years) of the projects.

What to Submit

The UNCG Green Fund Committee is pleased to invite proposals from UNCG students and employees for efforts that support sustainability initiatives at UNCG.

Projects may improve campus infrastructure, sustainability education, research, or professional development that aids students. Projects must tangibly benefit Greensboro and/or the UNCG campus community.

We encourage submissions for projects that address the following:

  • Just sustainabilities/environmental justice: proposals that educate, explore, or advance topics of racial justice and social equity at UNCG and surrounding communities.
  • Sustainability education and outreach: proposals that call for the participation of scholars and community members in sustainability initiatives at UNCG.
  • Environmental humanities: proposals that connect sustainability with humanities (language, philosophy, literature, history, art) in order to advance sustainability initiatives at UNCG.
  • Efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction: proposals that advance the efficient use of energy, materials, or other resources and reduce the carbon footprint of the UNCG community.

This list includes topics that the current Committee is most interested in funding, but please do not think of these categories as limitations. The Committee will happily consider projects that address other issues, as long as projects are related in some way to sustainability. To see projects that have been funded in the past, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

How to Submit

Download and review the application form (link above), be sure to include all relevant information about your project and budget. Make sure your budget is as detailed as possible – links are appreciated. UNCG is a non-profit and does not pay taxes. Not all of the criteria on the application will be relevant to every project. For example, not every project will save energy or reduce our CO2 emissions, just be sure to provide information relevant to your project. Be sure to also review more information about deadlines and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) above. Then, send your completed proposal to [email protected]!

While we do not expect proposals to be perfect and without mistakes, we encourage you to share your proposal with others for feedback before you submit. Other readers will notice information that might be helpful to the Committee to help us make a decision, along with proofreading errors that are often overlooked. Feel free to utilize the services at our University Writing Center; the Writing Center’s consultants are familiar with responding to grant proposals and are sure to be helpful. The Office of Sustainability will also gladly meet with you to provide guidance: [email protected].

When to Submit

We accept proposals in September, October, November, February, March, and April. The application deadline is at 5 p.m. on the first day of these months.

  • If you submit a proposal for less than $1,000, you can submit by the first of any of the months listed above.
  • If you submit a proposal for more than $1,000, your application will be accepted on October 1st in the fall, and/or on March 1st and April 1st during the spring. These particular deadlines allow us more time to make decisions on projects with larger budgets.

As long as you’ve submitted your application by the appropriate deadline, we will inform you of our decision within four weeks after the submission deadline. Funds must be used for projects that are not already completed; i.e., you cannot use funds as reimbursement for past projects. Therefore, you should give yourself plenty of time to make sure your proposal is eligible for review before beginning your project.

Want to Get Involved?

Students who wish to serve on the Green Fund Committee should contact Sean MacInnes at [email protected] and include a one- to two-page cover letter that explains your experience with sustainability issues on some level and expresses why you want to serve on the committee. Students are required to attend two meetings a month during the school year and contribute some additional hours to review applications and promote the Green Fund on campus. Preference will be given to students who can serve for at least two years.

Who can apply for a grant from the Green Fund?

Current UNCG faculty, staff, or students can apply for funding. Student applicants are required to obtain a faculty or staff adviser who agrees to serve as the supervisor for the project. Applicants may only apply for funding for one project at a time and may not submit another application until their first project is completed and a final report submitted. See more info below.

When can I apply?

The application deadline is at 5 p.m. on the 1st day of the following months: September, October, November, February, March, and April. Applications requesting more than $1,000 are accepted on October 1st in the fall and on March 1st and April 1st during the spring semester of 2022. The Committee does not review proposals during the winter and summer breaks. All applications must be signed and emailed to [email protected] by 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

How long does it take to receive an answer from the committee?

Applicants can expect to have an answer within four weeks after submitting a proposal on the 1st of the month. The Committee may request additional information or clarification during their deliberation period. Applicants could also be asked to revise and resubmit their application, which would extend the process – see more below concerning funding outcomes.

What are the reporting requirements of the Green Fund?

We want to ensure that our funds are being implemented responsibly. We also want to help promote your project and ensure the continuing success of the Green Fund. After your project has been approved for funding, you are required to submit a final report within two months of your expected completion date. Those who fail to submit a final report will be ineligible to request funding for other projects until the report is submitted. Your availability to media outlets at UNCG (UNCG Weekly, UNCG News, UNCG Research, social media, etc.) is also greatly appreciated.

Can my project be partially funded by another source?

Yes. You will need to disclose additional funding sources, if any, on your Green Fund application. If you have additional funding available, we ask that you be conscientious in the amount of support you request from the Green Fund.

If I am unsure about some of the costs, can I put estimates and then clarify those costs later?

The Green Fund Committee needs to make informed decisions, so the more specific and accurate your budget projections, the better. If changes in your proposed budget occur, please contact the committee as soon as possible.

What is the maximum amount provided to fund a project?

The Green Fund typically has an annual operating budget of $58,000. Over the past 5 years, the Fund has awarded an average of 11 projects annually, with an average cost of $5,600 per project. Individual projects have ranged in cost from $300 to $20,000. There is no minimum requirement. Additionally, applicants can request funding to support a project for up to four years. The Green Fund is not a permanent funding solution for projects or programs.

What types of projects qualify for potential funding?

There are three categories which fit broadly within Green Fund guidelines:

  • Education / Community Outreach
  • Research
  • Infrastructure Development

Projects will be considered on the following factors, including, but not limited to:

  • Clarity of Presentation
    • Provides a clear outline of goals, budget, relevance, and implementation plan.
  • Relevance to UNCG’s Climate Action Plan
    • Provides a clear understanding of the plan and addresses a number of the fundamentals of UNCG’s definition of sustainability (economics, environment, social equity, and aesthetics).
  • Desirability
    • Clearly demonstrates how the project will enhance multiple stakeholders on campus.
  • Benefit to Students
    • The project offers professional development opportunities to students or has a direct impact on their lives and interactions on campus. Quantity doesn’t always equal quality. Projects that only involve one or handful of students but provide a high quality experience are equally important and acceptable.

Can I reapply for funding if I did not get approved this year or if I want to do my project again next year?

Yes. If your project is not initially approved to receive funding you will receive a letter from the Green Fund Committee stating the reason for the decision; your project may not meet the qualifications or you may be asked to revise your submission for future consideration. You can submit a proposal requesting support once a year or you can request to be funded for up to four years, but you are still required to submit a report each year.

Are there any expenses not covered by the Green Fund?

The Green Fund is funded by student activity fees, which cannot be used to pay any type of compensation to State employees. Nor will the Green Fund consider or reimburse projects that have already been completed before receiving approval from the Green Fund committee.

Departments requesting funding to pay for student labor are responsible for completing the necessary paperwork to hire students and are responsible for paying the students. The Green Fund must be provided Banner records as proof of payment to process reimbursement via a Journal Voucher. The Fund prefers to reimburse at the end of the project or once a semester for long term projects, but can reimburse as needed upon request. Departments should keep in mind that Student Activity Fees cannot be transferred to State Funds. Acceptable funding pools include: 130000, 131000, 134000. Unacceptable: 133000. A meeting with your department administrator and the Green Fund administrator is recommended before hiring.

What are the funding outcomes for my project?

The Green Fund Committee can vote in one of four ways on proposals:

  • Fund as Proposed
    • The Committee sees no issues and would like to fund the proposal completely as written.
  • Fund with Conditions
    • The Committee would like to see this project funded with additional conditions met before funding can be released. Those conditions may include reporting on previous projects, clarification of specific points, consultation of a specific party on campus, or an adjustment to the project that will not significantly alter the project or budget.
  • Revise and Resubmit
    • The Committee is interested in funding the project, but sees significant adjustments that would need to be made such that a revised project scope would warrant another full Committee review. The proposers may submit a revised proposal at any point to be considered at the next meeting of the full Committee meeting regardless of dollar amount.
  • Not Funded
    • The Committee is not interested in using its current resources to fund the proposal.

I’ve been awarded a grant, now what?

Congratulations! The Office of Sustainability will be in contact with an agreement letter that contains general reporting requirements and any conditions of the award, if applicable. The Office of Sustainability will work with you and your department’s administrator to determine and coordinate a best course of action. In most cases, the Office of Sustainability can purchase supplies and equipment on behalf of the applicant.

Still have questions? Email [email protected] for more information.

Ren Aquino

I am a sophomore at UNCG and serve as the Secretary of Sustainability Affairs on the Executive Cabinet for the Student Government Association’s 100th Session. I’m very passionate about equitable and accessible sustainability, and it’s my goal to help foster widespread involvement and passion for the environment amongst UNCG students and the community as a whole.

Leena Godbole

MS, Informatics & Analytics
My background is in textiles for consumer and industrial products. During my six years in the industry, I developed a sense of personal responsibility to live more sustainably. Navigating this as an individual is difficult– it can be hard to understand which green initiatives are meaningful and which are simply good marketing. Serving on the Green Fund is a way for me to bring meaningful social and environmental good to my community. I’m looking forward to the proposals you send our way.

Zelena Johnson

Ph.D. Candidate, Nanonscience and Nanoengineering
My area of interest is Mycology. I work in the genomics lab with Dr. LaJeunesse and study genetic and biomechanical responses of Candida albicans (microorganisms that are part of our natural microflora) to external stimuli/stressors, in hopes of improving the treatment of Candida (fungal) infections. Being environmentally conscientious helps to sustain the planet’s ability to provide a viable environment to facilitate life, including human life. The decisions we make today affects the quality of life of future generations, and it is our obligation to ensure that the planet can nurture life for generations to come.


Ocean Advocacy Workshop – Page Turner and Ann Somers – $9,000
To cover registration fees, guest speaker honorariums, food and lodging, and other related expenses to support an Ocean Advocacy Workshop at Haw River State Park in March 2024.

Outdoor Dorm Seating – Sustainability Council – $13,650
To purchase outdoor furniture for the patios at Quad and Moore-Strong dorms.

World Water Day Water Testing – Dr. Sarah Praskievicz, Dr. Reynaldo Diaz, Dr. Jerry Walsh, Runzi Li – $6,747.00
To pay for water testing supplies and lab use.

St. Mary’s Garden – Rick Sigler – $700.00
To support and expand the garden at the St. Mary’s House Episcopal Campus and Young Adult Ministry.

iNaturalist Campus Nature Challenge – Dr. Kevin Wilcox – $940.00
To purchase prizes as incentives for students to participate in a competition using the iNaturalist app to highlight biodiversity on campus.

Afrofuturistic Food Workshop – Dr. Plaxedes Chitiyo & Dr. Hewan Girma – $15,488
Awarded over a two-year period to pay for guest speaker honorariums, food, and supplies to support international food workshops.

Ocean Advocacy Workshop – Ashley Rose and Ann Somers – $10,000
To cover registration fees, guest speaker honorariums, food and lodging, and other related expenses to support an Ocean Advocacy Workshop at Haw River State Park in March 2023.

Coffee Mugs for Office of Military-Affiliated Services – Chris Gregory – $300
To purchase ceramic reusable coffee mugs and reduce waste from single-use cups.

Cape Fear River Wood Pellet Boat Tour – Dr. Etsuko Kinefuchi – $1,000
To pay for a one-day educational for UNCG students to take a Cape Fear River boat tour to learn about the environmental and social impacts of the wood pellet industry in the coastal region of North Carolina.

Industries of the Blind – Chris Cassidy and Caitlyn Schrader – $4,692
Continue support for a collaborative and community-engaged project with Industries of the Blind that will result in a public art piece on Gate City Blvd.

Sullivan Refill Station – Dr. Malcolm Schug – $5,597
To pay for updated plumbing and the installation of a water bottle refill station in the Sullivan Science Building to replace a water cooler and reduce single-use materials.

St. Mary’s Garden – Rick Sigler – $766.17
To create a garden at the St. Mary’s House Episcopal Campus and Young Adult Ministry.

Slow Travel Italy – Dr. Aaron Allen – $1,000.00
Logistical support for an educational excursion in the context of sustainable travel.

iNaturalist Campus Nature Challenge – Dr. Shaleen Miller – $850.00
To purchase prizes as incentives for students to participate in a competition using the iNaturalist app to highlight biodiversity on campus.

Sustainable Seating – Kiandokht Maghsoud – $1,000.00
The purchase of cardboard for creating sustainable furniture.

Litter Clean-up – April Harris – $922.80
To purchase supplies (waders, vests, trash grabbers) for the purpose of litter cleans-ups managed by the Department of Biology.

Bird-Window Mitigation – Megan Damico – $15,550.00
To purchase install window decals and the glass facade of the Sullivan Science building to reduce bird-window collisions.

Trek For Science – Thomas Hefner – $449.35
To refurbish an abandoned bicycle to use for transporting teaching supplies between campus buildings.

Afrofuturistic Food Workshop – Dr. Plaxedes Chitiyo & Dr. Hewan Girma – $6,000
To pay an honorarium for guest speaker Chef Njathi Kabui and for supplies to support the event.

EV Cost Benefit Analysis – Emefa Buaka & Zubab Moid – $6,480.00
To pay for students to conduct a cost benefit analysis for electrifying the university’s vehicle fleet.

Outdoor Space Rendering – Shima Talebian – $1,250.00
To pay for student labor for design renderings for improved outdoor classroom space utilization.

Pollinator Friendly Campus – Dr. Kaira Wagner & Dr. Kimberly Komatsu – $4,200.00
For student labor and supplies to support a pollinator-friendly campus.

Residence Life Refill Stations – Amber Fairchild & Doug Fleming – $3,329.00
To purchase water bottle refill stations in Guilford and Mary Foust residence halls.

HRL Emergency Lighting Phase 4 – Lindsay Burkart – $2,693.25
To purchase 305 emergency lighting LEDs for North & South Spencer and Quad residence halls.

Micromobility Signage – Alex Ashton and Grant Harris – $1,000
To supplement to cost of printing various parking signs for Blue Duck e-bikes and e-scooters on campus.

Sustainability Literacy Survey – Dr. Etsuko Kinefuchi – $161.00
Continued support to purchase incentives for students to participate in the UNCG Sustainability Literacy Survey.

Residence Life Emergency Lighting Phase 2 – Lindsay Burkhardt – $3,032.00
To purchase 288 LED bulbs to upgrade the emergency lighting in Moore Strong, Winfield, and Ragsdale Mendenhall residence halls.

LED Exterior Lighting Conversion Phase 4 – Matt Krieger and Jon Soter – $5,760.00
To convert approximately fifty-three exterior lighting fixtures to LEDs.

Ocean Advocacy Workshop – Ann Somers – $11,510.00
To cover registration fees, guest speaker honorariums, food and lodging, and other related expenses to support an Ocean Advocacy Workshop at Haw River State Park in March 2022.

The Physical Sensation of Your Experience – Devida Reid – $1,000.00
To pay for supplies and equipment related to a graduate thesis dance performance.

Involved Justice – Allison McCarthy – $999.00
To pay labor expenses related to video and photo documentation of a graduate thesis dance performance.

Peabody Park Bluebird Study – Melanie Stadler – $1,000
To purchase supplies and equipment to build Bluebird boxes in Peabody Park to support a graduate student’s research project.

AASHE Behavior Change Workshop – BJ Tipton – $300
To pay for for students attendance at the “Facilitating Student-Driven Interventions for Sustainable Behavior Change” workshop organized by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and to support a graduate student’s capstone project.

Curry Building Water Bottle Refill Station – Noelle Morisette & Sarah Richardson – $1,866.00
to purchase a new water bottle refill station in the Curry Building.

iNaturalist Campus Nature Challenge – Dr. Shaleen Miller & Jo Klein – $1,500.00
To purchase prizes as incentives for students to participate in a competition during Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 using the iNaturalist app to highlight biodiversity on campus.

Enerfusion Solardok Picnic Table – Neil & Sameer Kapileshwari – $27,490.00
To purchase two solar-powered picnic tables and charging stations for the Moran Commons outdoor seating.

Moran Commons Water Bottle Refill Station – Jacob Crawford – $2,104.00
To purchase a new water bottle refill station in the Moran Commons.

Peabody Park Pollinator Garden – Tara Webb & Leah Sobsey – $5,050.00
To pay for supplies and student labor to build and maintain a pollinator garden in Peabody Park.

Housing & Residence Life Emergency Lighting LED Upgrade – Lindsay Burkhart – $5,544.00
To purchase 550 LED bulbs to upgrade the emergency lighting in McCormick and Lexington residence halls.

Bird-Window Collision Study – Megan Damico & Melanie Stadler – $3,752.18
To pay student labor to conduct a pilot study on the impact glass buildings on campus have on the local bird population.

Office of Sustainability Graduate Assistant – Sean MacInnes – $28,000 (over 4 years)
To pay student labor for a graduate assistant in the Office of Sustainability.

Sustainability Literacy Survey – Dr. Etsuko Kinefuchi – $1,000.00
To support incentives for students to participate in the UNCG Sustainability Literacy Survey.

LED Exterior Lighting Conversion Phase 3 – Matt Krieger & Jon Soter – $24,745.00
To convert approximately sixty-seven exterior lighting fixtures to LEDs.

UNCG Auditorium LED Lighting Upgrade – Brigette Pfister & Scott Garrison – $27,000.00
To upgrade old stage lighting to automated LED lights.

Jefferson Suites Hot Water Heater – Lindsay Burkart – $1,386.97
To purchase a hot water heater for the Coordinator of Residence Life’s apartment in Jefferson Suites.

Residence Life Emergency Lighting Upgrade – Lindsay Burkart – $3,327.50
To purchase 550 LED bulbs to upgrade the emergency lighting in Reynolds, Grogan, and Cone residence halls.

iNaturalist Campus Nature Challenge – Dr. Shaleen Miller – $725.00
To purchase prizes as incentives for students to participate in a competition using the iNaturalist app to highlight biodiversity on campus.

Modeling Energy Consumption Dashboard Phase 3 – Nana Addai, Danny Turkson, & Dr. Stephen Holland – $9,720.00
To pay for student labor to continue the development and maintenance of the UNCG Energy Dashboard

CHCS Environmental Health Education Initiative – Dr. Stephen Sills – $5,781.00
To pay for student labor and to purchase supplies in support of the community outreach and environmental education efforts in Greensboro’s Cottage Grove neighborhood.

UNCG Plant & Pollinator Center – Kathy Ly and Dr. Kasie Raymann – $1,000.00
To pay for gardening supplies to support student research at the UNCG Plant & Pollinator Center.

Food Recovery Network – $500
Supplies to support recovering and donating leftovers from Fountain View Dining.

UNCGreen – $948
Supplies to support marketing and membership recruitment activities.

Sustainability Shorts Film Awards – Sarah Dorsey – $1,000.00
Prizes for UNCG’s annual Sustainability Shorts Film competition in Spring 2020.

Piney Lake Garden – Michael Ackerman – $2,123.58
To support the construction and maintenance of a community garden at Piney Lake Outdoor Adventures.

Industries of the Blind – Adam Carlin – $11,930 (over 3 years)
To support a collaborative and community-engaged project with Industries of the Blind that will result in a public art piece on Gate City Blvd.

Modeling Energy Consumption Phase 2 – Will Queen, et al. – $11,232.60
To produce an online dashboard for modeling energy consumption in on-campus buildings at UNCG.

Living Laboratory on Child Development – Dr. Jasmine DeJesus & Dr. Shaylene Nancekivell – $3,884.48 (over 4 years)
Student labor and expenses related to research in partnership with the North Carolina Zoo’s Carolina Red Wolf exhibit.

LED Exterior Lighting Conversion Phase 2 – Jon Soter – $23,260.00
Converting approximately fifty-five exterior lighting fixtures to LEDs.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations McIver Deck – Suzanne Williams – $11,000.00
For the installation of four Level 2 electric car charging stations in McIver Deck.

Cone Residence Hall Occupancy Sensors (2018 Jefferson Suites Award Scope Revision) – Rhonda Strader – $4,483.63
For the purchase of compatible occupancy sensors and thermostat covers.

Sustainability Short Films Awards – Sarah Dorsey – $1,000.00
Prizes for UNCG Sustainability Short Films competition in Spring 2019.

Big Belly Smart Solutions – Ross Rick – $70,257.60 (over 4 years)
For the installation of six network-connected waste and recycling receptacles to improve the efficiency and management of UNCG’s waste and recycling solutions.

Celebrate The Trail to Recovery – Dr. Justin Harmon – $975.00
Logistical support for a hiking program for those with or on the recovery process from cancer.

Student Commuter Carbon Footprint – Dr. Mary Hall-Brown & Cole Sell – $500.00
Wages for a student researcher to determine the distance traveled by student automobile commuters. Conducted in collaboration with UNCG’s greenhouse gas inventory.

Smart Irrigation Controls – Andy Currin – $7,296.00
For the installation of smart controllers to monitor and maximize efficiency on the University’s baseball and softball field irrigation systems.

Slow Travel & Slow Food in Italy – Dr. Aaron Allen – $1,000.00
Logistical support for an educational excursion in the context of sustainable travel.

Crossroads: Animality, Disability, Activism and the Arts – Dr. Etsuko Kinefuci – $650.00
Ashby Dialogue with Sunaura Taylor, author of Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation.

West Gate City Boulevard Connection – Travis Hicks – $5,990.00
To develop low-carbon transportation streetscape designs for West Gate City Blvd. between Union Square and the Coliseum.

Food Recovery Network – $500.00
Supplies to support recovering and donating leftovers from Fountain View Dining.

Sustainability Shorts Awards – Sarah Dorsey – $1,000.00
Prizes for UNCG Sustainability Short Films competition in Spring 2018.

Empowering Climate and Environmental Justice – Dr. Etsuko Kinefuchi – $950.00
Part of Ashby Dialogue: The Universe Story and the University: Education for Justice and Sacred Earth.

Green Space New Music Festival – Christopher Miller – $1,000.00
Through the curation of five outdoor concerts addressing sustainability and the community, GSNMF creates an avenue to raise awareness for Greensboro’s public green spaces.

Indoor LED Retrofitting Analysis – Will Queen – $4,158.00
This project will conduct a benefit-cost report on retrofitting eight buildings with LED bulbs. The targeted buildings (Stone, Coleman, Studio Arts, Visitors Center, Ferguson, Curry, School of Education, and 1510 Walker Avenue) represent approximately one million square feet.

Jefferson Suites Residence Hall Energy Efficiency Upgrade – Rhonda Strader – $11,473.43
For the purchase of compatible occupancy sensors and thermostat covers.

Modeling Energy Consumption – Will Queen – $3,780.00
This project will employ multiple linear regression techniques to model energy consumption in buildings on the campus of UNCG. The models will use building characteristics, occupancy controls, and weather data to explain hourly meter readings of electricity, steam, and chilled water.

Plastic Bag Campus Collection Containers – Bryant Burk – $2,000.00
For the purchase bins for plastic bag collection at three locations (Moran Commons, Elliott University Center, and Kaplan Center).

Strong College Composting – Tim Johnson – $6,700
Implement a pilot program for in-room composting bin to be placed in UNCG’s Guilford residence hall.

Right Cycle Nitrile Glove Recycling – Daniel Todd – $1,000
Implement a pilot program for in-room composting bin to be placed in UNCG’s Guilford residence hall.

Exterior Lighting LED Retrofit Planning Internship – Jon Soter – $900.00
Student internship in Facilities Operations to create a multi-year campus exterior lighting LED retrofit plan.

LED Exterior Lighting Conversion 1A Proposal – Matthew Krieger – $300.00
UNCG Facilities Design & Review project review costs for proposed exterior light conversions to LED.

UNCG Pollinator Garden Enhancements – Allison Sermarini – $872.00
Additional plants for two existing UNCG pollinator gardens.

Sustainability Shorts Awards – Sarah Dorsey – $2,000.00
Prizes for UNCG Sustainability Shorts Film competition in Spring 2017.

Science Everywhere Endangered Species Bags – Rae Ackerman – $394.34
Materials for UNCGreen’s booth at Science Everywhere making bags with images of and teaching about endangered species.

Exterior Lighting LED Conversion Phase 1 – Matthew Krieger & Jon Soter – $21,080
Materials for UNCGreen’s booth at Science Everywhere making bags with images of and teaching about endangered species.

Make a Show of It – Maura Conley – $4,400.00
Digital equipment and wages for an intern to curate art shows in the new Sustainability Office.

Mobile Oasis Farmers Market – Marianne LeGreco – $2,153.00
Wages for a UNCG Student intern at the Mobile Oasis market.

Sustainability Council Conversation Socially Responsible Investing – Jorge Quintal – $7,500.00
Funds for a graduate student assistant, outside speakers, and additional costs associated with a 4 part conversation series on sustainable investing.

Curry Hot Water Pump Constant Volume to Variable Frequency Drive – $16,800.00
Dramatically improving energy efficiency of Hot Water Pump.

Elementary Adopt-A-Stream – Julia Loreth – $840.78
Stream clean up and biological testing at Archer Elementary School.

Mossman Water Refill Station – Adam Horton – $1,250.00
Retrofit of drinking fountain in Mossman lobby with water bottle refill fixture.

Sustainable Local Foodscape – Marianne LeGreco – $5,910.00
Materials and labor for enhancements to Wernersville Urban Garden.

2 Cisterns are Better than 1 – Erin Yow – $6,000.00
Installation of a 2,500 gallon above ground water storage tank collecting roof run-off and air conditioner condensate.

McIver Mall Exterior LED Conversion – Matt Krieger – $9,135.00
Retrofit of existing exterior lights along UNCG McIver Mall with LEDs.

Slow Travel in Italy – Aaron Allen – $1,000.00
Travel by boat rather than automobile for students on study abroad trip in summer 2016.

Farm-to-Table Project – Sydney Brianna Copeland – $2,200.00
Festive farm-to-table education and celebration dinner in UNCG Fountainview Dining Hall in Spring 2016.

UNCGreen Earth Day Celebration – Rae Ackerman – $5,000.00
Campus celebration of Earth Day in Spring 2016.

Foust Park LED Conversion – Matthew Krieger – $3,938.00
Retrofit of all twelve existing exterior lights in UNCG Foust Park with LEDs.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Oakland Deck) – Suzanne Williams – $9,000.00
Installation of nine electric vehicle charging stations in the Oakland Avenue parking deck.

UNCG Wetlands Development Project – Malcolm Schug – $8,000.00
Partial costs of construction for two wetland features on the UNCG campus in Peabody Park.

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